An item from The New York Times by Elisabeth Rosenthal was recently shared with me by club member Ellen, who wondered "Why does the toothpaste also come in a box????" The article called, "What’s Outside Counts, Too: British Law Spurs Scrutiny of Excess Packaging," will give you something to think about next time you are out shopping!
Explore Alternative Energy Options!
Interested in learning more about alternative energy opportunities for your home? Tim Quigley, Director of Solar Tec, and Eric Casteel, Special Projects Manager for WR Casteel will discuss some of the different technologies currently available at the Peters Township Public Library on Wednesday, January 5 at 7:00 p.m.
The program will include an overview of wind and geothermal technologies, with information on feasibility and cost and benefits for residential, commercial, community and utility scale applications. Solar energy will be discussed, including a demonstration of the process used to create solar panels, how solar panels work and how the home or commercial business owner can save on their electric bill and earn from selling their alternative energy credits.
Register for this free program online or call 724.941.9430.
The program will include an overview of wind and geothermal technologies, with information on feasibility and cost and benefits for residential, commercial, community and utility scale applications. Solar energy will be discussed, including a demonstration of the process used to create solar panels, how solar panels work and how the home or commercial business owner can save on their electric bill and earn from selling their alternative energy credits.
Register for this free program online or call 724.941.9430.
Recycling Collection on Saturday, December 4th!
The Peters township Environmental Quality Board is offering a Recycling Collection this Saturday. This is a perfect opportunity to get those recyclable materials out of the house before the holidays! Here are the details:
EQB Recycling Collection Day
Saturday, December 4, 2010
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Peters Township Public Works Garage
750 Bebout Rd.
Scrap Metal & Automotive Batteries - No Charge
Tires - $2.00 each up to 16-inch diameter
Computers - $5.00 each, Printers - $10.00 each, Monitors - $5.00 each
Televisions - $20.00 to $55.00 (size dependent)
EQB Recycling Collection Day
Saturday, December 4, 2010
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Peters Township Public Works Garage
750 Bebout Rd.
Scrap Metal & Automotive Batteries - No Charge
Tires - $2.00 each up to 16-inch diameter
Computers - $5.00 each, Printers - $10.00 each, Monitors - $5.00 each
Televisions - $20.00 to $55.00 (size dependent)
PTPL GO Green Club meeting Monday, Oct. 18 at 7:00 p.m.
The Peters Township Public Library GO Green Club will have our next scheduled meeting on Monday, October 18 at 7 p.m. on the second floor of the library in the Conference Room.
As usual, we will have lots to discuss:
* New member Alan Popey will be giving a brief talk on biodiesel fuel.
* We will be continuing our plans for a tour of the Greenstar recycling facilities on Neville Island. As soon as we have a confirmed date, I will pass that information along to the club members.
* We will be discussing our plans for a Green Fair to be held at the library on Saturday, March 19, 2011. If you know of a vendor you would like us to consider inviting to the Fair, please email me the name of the business or organization with as much contact information as you can provide - web site, email, contact name, phone number, etc...We hope you all will save that date in 2011 and volunteer some time to help us organize a wonderful "green" event!
* The GO Green Club is hosting another terrific program here on Saturday, November 13 at 10:30 a.m. We will be welcoming Lisa Kay Schweyer, Program Developer for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission's CommuteInfo Program. She will be telling us more about CommuteInfo, a free ridematching service that offers commuting alternatives, including transit, vanpool, carpool, biking and walking. You will be receiving another email shortly with more details.
* We will be continuing our plans for a tour of the Greenstar recycling facilities on Neville Island. As soon as we have a confirmed date, I will pass that information along to the club members.
* We will be discussing our plans for a Green Fair to be held at the library on Saturday, March 19, 2011. If you know of a vendor you would like us to consider inviting to the Fair, please email me the name of the business or organization with as much contact information as you can provide - web site, email, contact name, phone number, etc...We hope you all will save that date in 2011 and volunteer some time to help us organize a wonderful "green" event!
* The GO Green Club is hosting another terrific program here on Saturday, November 13 at 10:30 a.m. We will be welcoming Lisa Kay Schweyer, Program Developer for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission's CommuteInfo Program. She will be telling us more about CommuteInfo, a free ridematching service that offers commuting alternatives, including transit, vanpool, carpool, biking and walking. You will be receiving another email shortly with more details.
* If you haven't seen it yet, check out the article in the Almanac about member Kermit Hartland and his new electric bike! Watch out for Kermit as you drive around Peters Township.
That gives you just a taste of some of the things we will talking about this coming Monday night - we hope you can make the meeting and join in the conversation!
Ride with Us: Explore Ridesharing Options with CommuteInfo
Although the price of gas may not be as high as the prices last year, it continues to be a large part of a family’s expenses. Now may be a great time to “go green” and consider some of our region’s more energy-friendly ways of getting from here to there – while saving you some money.
The CommuteInfo program can help, offering free ridematching services to help commuters learn about the options available to them, including transit, vanpool, carpool, biking and walking. Lisa Kay Schweyer, the Program Developer for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission’s CommuteInfo Program will be presenting an overview of the program’s services at the Peters Township Public Library on Saturday, November 13th at 10:30 a.m. Register for this free program online, at the library circulation desk or call 724.941.9430. This is a PTPL GO Green Club program.
For area residents “…carpools and vanpools are becoming more and more of a viable option,” says Schweyer. She notes that the CommuteInfo program can help match them up with other commuters in the area, or provide helpful links and information. “Think of CommuteInfo as a restaurant menu of commuting choices,” says Schweyer.
Visit CommuteInfo for more detailed information on commuting alternatives. It’s free to register, and benefits include informational updates and for those who join a “pool”, participation in the Emergency Ride Home service. Schweyer reminds commuters to consider their schedules and evaluate what their own personal transport needs are, and to consider sharing their ride, even 2 or 3 days a week.
The CommuteInfo program can help, offering free ridematching services to help commuters learn about the options available to them, including transit, vanpool, carpool, biking and walking. Lisa Kay Schweyer, the Program Developer for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission’s CommuteInfo Program will be presenting an overview of the program’s services at the Peters Township Public Library on Saturday, November 13th at 10:30 a.m. Register for this free program online, at the library circulation desk or call 724.941.9430. This is a PTPL GO Green Club program.
For area residents “…carpools and vanpools are becoming more and more of a viable option,” says Schweyer. She notes that the CommuteInfo program can help match them up with other commuters in the area, or provide helpful links and information. “Think of CommuteInfo as a restaurant menu of commuting choices,” says Schweyer.
Visit CommuteInfo for more detailed information on commuting alternatives. It’s free to register, and benefits include informational updates and for those who join a “pool”, participation in the Emergency Ride Home service. Schweyer reminds commuters to consider their schedules and evaluate what their own personal transport needs are, and to consider sharing their ride, even 2 or 3 days a week.
New Environmental Science for Students 6-Volume DVD set
The library has just added to our collection an excellent series of environmental science DVDs suitable for Grades 5-12. The series includes programs on these 6 topics: Air Quality, Global Climate Change, Green Energy, Soil Quality, Sustainability in the 21st Century and Water Quality.
Each DVD is 23 minutes in length and includes a Teacher's Guide with a program overview, vocabulary, focus questions and follow-up discussion and activities. The summary on the DVD cover explains that "Environmental Science for Students provides a fascinating look at Earth's environment and some of the most important environmental issues of our time. From the quality of the air that we breathe and water that we drink to the lasting effects of our reliance upon fossil fuels to power our lives, everyone is affected by environmental change. Accurate explanations, global examples and balanced viewpoints guide students in an exploration of topics that range from global climate change to the degradation of soil. Environmental experts speak about topics of interest, and noteworthy case studies showcase real-world examples. The environment's link to human health, the economy and society is also examined, making clear the interconnected nature of these components. This series will help students to understand the science behind their changing world while considering multiple perspectives."
These DVDs would be an outstanding resource for school students, family viewing, boy/girl scout troops, or home schoolers! You can find the DVDs in the Children's Department. Each is available for a 7 day loan. Stop by and check them out today!
Each DVD is 23 minutes in length and includes a Teacher's Guide with a program overview, vocabulary, focus questions and follow-up discussion and activities. The summary on the DVD cover explains that "Environmental Science for Students provides a fascinating look at Earth's environment and some of the most important environmental issues of our time. From the quality of the air that we breathe and water that we drink to the lasting effects of our reliance upon fossil fuels to power our lives, everyone is affected by environmental change. Accurate explanations, global examples and balanced viewpoints guide students in an exploration of topics that range from global climate change to the degradation of soil. Environmental experts speak about topics of interest, and noteworthy case studies showcase real-world examples. The environment's link to human health, the economy and society is also examined, making clear the interconnected nature of these components. This series will help students to understand the science behind their changing world while considering multiple perspectives."
These DVDs would be an outstanding resource for school students, family viewing, boy/girl scout troops, or home schoolers! You can find the DVDs in the Children's Department. Each is available for a 7 day loan. Stop by and check them out today!
Who Needs Organic Food?
The latest issue of TIME magazine crossed my desk today and on the front cover is a Health Special: The Organic Food Debate. We've talked alot about organic food at our GO Green Club meetings - what does organic really mean? Where do you find it locally? What about the health benefits? Take a few minutes and read this special section, which includes topics like when to buy organic vs. conventional foods, an organic foods taste test conducted by a panel of chef's from New York, and Dr. Oz weighs in on the subject too!
Eat Seasonally: How To Buy Local in Western PA
Would you like to learn more about buying your food locally? Visit the Bethel Park Public Library for a free presentation on Monday, August 23rd at 11:00 am with Erin Hart of Farm to Table PA. Farm to Table PA helps consumers connect with local food producers. Eat healthy-eat locally! For more information, call the library at 412-835-2207.
PTPL GO Green Club Meeting
The GO Green Club will be meeting tonight, Monday, July 19, 2010 on the second floor in the library's Conference Room. Please join us if you can!
Ferguson GREEN Career Resources
The Library has just added a new series of books on "green" careers by Infobase Publishing. Their web site provides this summary of the series:
"High interest in energy conservation, environmental issues, and developing alternative and renewable energy sources has led to a boom in green careers, also called green-collar careers. The new Green Careers set covers job opportunities in the fields of conservation, environmental protection, environmental study, renewable energy, resource management, and other related fields, as well as traditional careers that have been adapted to deal with environmental issues. With comprehensive information on in-demand green careers in business and construction, law, science, communications, and more, these resources are invaluable for students interested in preserving the environment through work.
Each full-color volume includes 15 job profiles that describe the duties, requirements, and earnings for each job in a given field, plus interviews with green professionals and further resources."
If you are interested, the series is located on the second floor of the Library on the large cart with our other College and Career Resources with the call number 331.7 GRE.
"High interest in energy conservation, environmental issues, and developing alternative and renewable energy sources has led to a boom in green careers, also called green-collar careers. The new Green Careers set covers job opportunities in the fields of conservation, environmental protection, environmental study, renewable energy, resource management, and other related fields, as well as traditional careers that have been adapted to deal with environmental issues. With comprehensive information on in-demand green careers in business and construction, law, science, communications, and more, these resources are invaluable for students interested in preserving the environment through work.
Each full-color volume includes 15 job profiles that describe the duties, requirements, and earnings for each job in a given field, plus interviews with green professionals and further resources."
If you are interested, the series is located on the second floor of the Library on the large cart with our other College and Career Resources with the call number 331.7 GRE.
Composting 101 Workshop
The GO Green Club hosted a wonderful program earlier this month called "Composting 101", which was presented by GO Green Club president, Angie Phares. If you missed the workshop, you can still learn all about getting your family started with composting by reading the handout that Angie put together and distributed to the audience that day. Please email me, and I will email you a copy of the handout as a pdf file.
Angie also referred me to an excellent slideshow, Backyard Composting in Pennsylvania, created by the Penn State University Crop and Soil Science Department, College of Agricultural Sciences . We are able to link to this presentation with the permission of Dr. Richard Stehouwer, Associate Professor, Environmental Soil Science, one of the authors of the presentation. Thank you to Angie and Dr. Stenhouwer!
Angie also referred me to an excellent slideshow, Backyard Composting in Pennsylvania, created by the Penn State University Crop and Soil Science Department, College of Agricultural Sciences . We are able to link to this presentation with the permission of Dr. Richard Stehouwer, Associate Professor, Environmental Soil Science, one of the authors of the presentation. Thank you to Angie and Dr. Stenhouwer!
Have You Tried Freecycle?
Do you have items in your home you'd like to give away to others who might use them? You may want to look into the Freecycle network. The description on their web site explains that it is a "grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer (them's good people). Membership is free."
This group has been used by several GO Green Club members with very good results, myself included. Thank you to new member Pam for sending me the link as a reminder to post this information on the blog.
If you are interested, you would browse their site to find the Pittsburgh Network and apply to join. There are rules to follow to be a member. For example, your first post on the site must be an OFFER of something you have to give away. After that, you can search through other available items posted and contact the owner via email to make arrangements to pick up something you need or want. So far we have given away a large window air conditioner, a miter saw and a food processor with a broken part.
Visit the Freecycle web site to learn more about this organization!
This group has been used by several GO Green Club members with very good results, myself included. Thank you to new member Pam for sending me the link as a reminder to post this information on the blog.
If you are interested, you would browse their site to find the Pittsburgh Network and apply to join. There are rules to follow to be a member. For example, your first post on the site must be an OFFER of something you have to give away. After that, you can search through other available items posted and contact the owner via email to make arrangements to pick up something you need or want. So far we have given away a large window air conditioner, a miter saw and a food processor with a broken part.
Visit the Freecycle web site to learn more about this organization!
Recycling at Best Buy
This link to Best Buy's recycling program was suggested by club member Jennifer, who also pointed out that "most stores have Recycling Kiosks that accept inkjet cartridges, rechargeable batteries, CD's, DVD's including the cases, and gift cards."
Their site says they'll "take just about anything electronic, including TVs, DVD players, computer monitors, audio and video cables, cell phones, and more" mostly for free with a few restrictions. The page has a drop down menu where you select your state and view program details.
GO Green Club Meeting Reminder
The Peters Township GO Green Club will be meeting tonight at 7 p.m. on the second floor of the library in the Conference Room. Please join us if you can!
Western Pennsylvania Buy Fresh Buy Local Monthy Newsletter
If you are interested in taking advantage of Western PA's bounty from our local farms this summer, consider subscribing to this monthly newsletter put together by the hard-working folks at Buy Fresh Buy Local© Chapters in Pennsylvania.
You can find out about local farmers is our area, special programs and events, and how you can support sustainable growing practices in Western PA. If you like what you read, visit the Southwestern PA - Buy Fresh Buy Local web site to learn more about this organization. You can sign up to receive their monthly newsletter at the bottom of their home page.
You can find out about local farmers is our area, special programs and events, and how you can support sustainable growing practices in Western PA. If you like what you read, visit the Southwestern PA - Buy Fresh Buy Local web site to learn more about this organization. You can sign up to receive their monthly newsletter at the bottom of their home page.
GO Green Club members Ed and Phyllis brought this web site to our attention at our last meeting, so I thought I would post a link on our blog for everyone to take a look at
The site is divided into two parts - one side for adults to learn about how to make your home more energy efficient and the other side for kids with some cute games with the goal to defeat the Energy Hogs. There is also a nice handbook online with suggestions how to save energy in various rooms of your house. Take a look!
The site is divided into two parts - one side for adults to learn about how to make your home more energy efficient and the other side for kids with some cute games with the goal to defeat the Energy Hogs. There is also a nice handbook online with suggestions how to save energy in various rooms of your house. Take a look!
FREE Weatherization Services for Washington & Greene County residents
This Weatherization Program is provided by the Washington-Green Counties Weatherization Program, operated by ACTION-Housing, Inc. There are eligibility requirements based on family size and income. Weatherization is a free program that may provide some of the following services: replaces cracked or broken glass in windows, caulking, weather-strip around doors, weather-strip around outside doors, etc...
For more details about this program, read this letter and brochure provided the Washington-Greene Counties Weatherization Program or call 1-800-841-6899.
For more details about this program, read this letter and brochure provided the Washington-Greene Counties Weatherization Program or call 1-800-841-6899.
NO TIME TO WASTE - The process of waste recycling has come a long way over the years -
Today's Observer-Reporter has an interesting article about the recycling process used by Peters Township, explaining how it works and answering some FAQ about what can be recycled.
NO TIME TO WASTE - The process of waste recycling has come a long way over the years -
NO TIME TO WASTE - The process of waste recycling has come a long way over the years -
Go Green Club member in the news!
The Post-Gazette has published an article in today's newspaper "Composting topic of free workshop" about Angie Phares, Go Green Club member, who will be offering a Composting 101 workshop here at the library on Saturday, June 12 at 10 a.m. If you'd like to learn more from Angie about her adventures with composting, email the library to register for the free workshop or call 724.941.9430.
Photo of the Pollinator Garden
I dashed out in between the rain this afternoon to get a few photos of the pollinator garden, which is looking wonderful with some fresh mulch around the plants! Take a look next time you visit the library - the garden is on your left as you face the library building, along the length of the short wall located there.
The pollinator garden was planted on April 24 by members of the GO Green Club and local Master Gardeners. Plants were selected to attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators, and include Black-Eyed Susan, Borage, Butterfly Bush, Calendula, Calla Lily, Catmint, Cleome, Coneflower, Cotoneaster, Daylily, Globe Thistle, Hyssop, Iris, Lamb’s Ear, Lavender, Lupine, Mountain Bluet, Obedient Plant, Sweet Woodruff, and some other surprises. As long as the wildlife cooperates, we expect quite a show as the garden develops throughout the growing season! All plants were generously donated by local gardeners.
The pollinator garden was planted on April 24 by members of the GO Green Club and local Master Gardeners. Plants were selected to attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators, and include Black-Eyed Susan, Borage, Butterfly Bush, Calendula, Calla Lily, Catmint, Cleome, Coneflower, Cotoneaster, Daylily, Globe Thistle, Hyssop, Iris, Lamb’s Ear, Lavender, Lupine, Mountain Bluet, Obedient Plant, Sweet Woodruff, and some other surprises. As long as the wildlife cooperates, we expect quite a show as the garden develops throughout the growing season! All plants were generously donated by local gardeners.
Composting 101 program coming in June!
Ever had questions about composting? What goes in it? Does it have an unpleasant odor? Where should it go? How does it work? What’s the point? The Peters Township Public Library GO Green Club is hosting an educational workshop on composting given by local resident and composter, Angie Phares. The workshop will be held on Saturday, June 12 from 10 to 11:00 a.m. at the library. Register for this free program at the library’s circulation desk, call 724.941.9430 or register online.
Mrs. Phares has lived in the area for 5 years and has recently completed the coursework for the Washington County Master Gardener program. She and her family have been composting for several years and are amazed at how much can go in the compost bin! Register for the program to learn more about this time-honored practice for improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility.
Mrs. Phares has lived in the area for 5 years and has recently completed the coursework for the Washington County Master Gardener program. She and her family have been composting for several years and are amazed at how much can go in the compost bin! Register for the program to learn more about this time-honored practice for improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility.
Summer Jobs with Zero Waste Pittsburgh
Zero Waste Pittsburgh is currently recruiting contract employees to work as Environmental Service Assistants (ESA’s) at the Arts Festival from June 4th to June 13th. If you love the outdoors and working with the public and are committed to making a difference in the community – this is your opportunity to help make the 2010 Arts Festival a “Zero Waste” Event.
The ESA’s will be required to help educate the Arts Festival patrons about recycling and composting and assist them in choosing the correct recycling and/or composting receptacle for their materials.
ESA’s will be assigned six hour shifts (rain or shine) and receive $10 per hour. If you would like more information about this great summer job please contact Kyle Winkler at 412-431-4449 ext.243 or
The ESA’s will be required to help educate the Arts Festival patrons about recycling and composting and assist them in choosing the correct recycling and/or composting receptacle for their materials.
ESA’s will be assigned six hour shifts (rain or shine) and receive $10 per hour. If you would like more information about this great summer job please contact Kyle Winkler at 412-431-4449 ext.243 or
Hard to Recycle Collection this Saturday, May 8
A Hard to Recycle collection will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Steel City Harley Davidson, Route 19 and Racetrack Road. Useable building supplies, compact fluorescent bulbs, alkaline batteries, cell phones and ink/toner cartridges will be taken for free. Televisions, tires and electronic waste (keyboards, laptops, etc.) will be taken for a fee. Details: 412-431-4449, ext. 236, or
What to do with all that stuff!
GO Green Club member Barb has sent me a list of recycling links to help us all learn what to do with those hard to recycle items we all have in our homes!
Battery Recycling and Disposal Guide for Households
Batteries Plus
National Recycling Coalition
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GreenDisk - for all your computer-related waste
CollectiveGood - cell phone recycling
Freecycle - give and get items no longer needed!
Habitat for Humanity Washington County and Construction Junction accept building materials
Global Links accepts crutches/wheelchairs/walkers and medical supplies
Pennsylvania Resources Council
Earth911 helps find recycling centers by zipcode, city or state for hard to recycle items
Let us know if you have a recycling web site to recommend!
Battery Recycling and Disposal Guide for Households
Batteries Plus
National Recycling Coalition
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GreenDisk - for all your computer-related waste
CollectiveGood - cell phone recycling
Freecycle - give and get items no longer needed!
Habitat for Humanity Washington County and Construction Junction accept building materials
Global Links accepts crutches/wheelchairs/walkers and medical supplies
Pennsylvania Resources Council
Earth911 helps find recycling centers by zipcode, city or state for hard to recycle items
Let us know if you have a recycling web site to recommend!
Your Weekly Green
This morning on WYEP (91.3 fm) I heard a promo for a new series of talks to be held at the radio station on the South Side of Pittsburgh. The series is called "Your Weekly Green" and it begins tonight at 6:30 p.m., running for the next 7 consecutive Wednesdays. Tonight's topic is "Water Stewardship in a City of Rivers" presented by Allegheny CleanWays, Friends of the Riverfront, and RiverCubes. Each one hour talk will be followed by a tour the LEED certified WYEP Community Broadcast Center. To register or to learn more about the series, visit the WYEP web site.
GO Green Club Earth Day activities featured in The Almanac
The GO Green Club is in the news! An article in todays' edition of The Almanac about the 40th anniversary of Earth Day includes interviews with Library Director Pier Lee and GO Green members Angie Phares and Barb Schnabel. It also highlights the many activities scheduled at the library for Thursday, April 22 as part of our Earth Day celebration. Pictured at left are Angie and Barb with part of the recycling display created by Barb and her husband, Scott. See the complete recycling display by visiting the Peters Township Public Library's main lobby!
Earth Day Events at Peters Township Public Library
The library, along with their newly formed GO Green Club, has a variety of programs and displays for the whole family planned to mark the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day on Thursday, April 22, 2010.
The library’s GO Green Club will offer a free film screening of the documentary No Impact Man on April 22 at 7:00 p.m. The "No Impact Project" web site explains, “For one year, Colin Beavan and his family unplugged from the electrical grid, produced no trash, traveled exclusively by foot or bike, and bought nothing except food (all of it locally grown). By the end, they discovered something surprising: living simply wasn’t just good for the environment; it made them healthier, happier, and richer in ways they’d never expected.” This film is rated PG and suitable for family viewing.
A large display in the main lobby of the library created by members of the GO Green Club will explain everything you need to know about recycling in Peters Township. Books about sustainable living, organic gardening, and other earth-friendly topics are being featured on the second floor of the library. The GO Green Club members have also registered for township’s annual Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 24 from 9:00 a.m. until noon and will be working outside the library and in the parking lot that morning.
The Young Adult and Children’s Departments at the library have also planned activities for Earth Day. After school from 3:30-5:00 p.m. on April 22, teens in grades 6-12 will be doing a craft from recyclable materials and watching the film Planet Earth. From 6:00-6:45 p.m. kids and parents of all ages will celebrate Earth Day with a special storytime, activities and crafts. Children can sign a leaf for a promise tree to keep our world growing green. Families are then encouraged to remain for the film, No Impact Man, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. Register at the library’s circulation desk.
To join the library’s GO Green Club, please email Carrie Weaver or register at the library’s circulation desk.
The library’s GO Green Club will offer a free film screening of the documentary No Impact Man on April 22 at 7:00 p.m. The "No Impact Project" web site explains, “For one year, Colin Beavan and his family unplugged from the electrical grid, produced no trash, traveled exclusively by foot or bike, and bought nothing except food (all of it locally grown). By the end, they discovered something surprising: living simply wasn’t just good for the environment; it made them healthier, happier, and richer in ways they’d never expected.” This film is rated PG and suitable for family viewing.
A large display in the main lobby of the library created by members of the GO Green Club will explain everything you need to know about recycling in Peters Township. Books about sustainable living, organic gardening, and other earth-friendly topics are being featured on the second floor of the library. The GO Green Club members have also registered for township’s annual Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 24 from 9:00 a.m. until noon and will be working outside the library and in the parking lot that morning.
The Young Adult and Children’s Departments at the library have also planned activities for Earth Day. After school from 3:30-5:00 p.m. on April 22, teens in grades 6-12 will be doing a craft from recyclable materials and watching the film Planet Earth. From 6:00-6:45 p.m. kids and parents of all ages will celebrate Earth Day with a special storytime, activities and crafts. Children can sign a leaf for a promise tree to keep our world growing green. Families are then encouraged to remain for the film, No Impact Man, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. Register at the library’s circulation desk.
To join the library’s GO Green Club, please email Carrie Weaver or register at the library’s circulation desk.
Upcoming Household Chemical & Hard-to-Recycle Collections in our area
Go Green Club member Lisa forwarded these two notices to me to share. The first is a Household Chemicals Collection taking place on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at the North Park Swimming Pool parking lot from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Click here for the flyer which provides details about items to be collected and what will NOT be accepted. The fee is $2/gallon - cash only.
For those Hard-to-Recycle items like tires, useable building materials, and CFLs, there are several collection events taking place in and around Pittsburgh over the next several months. Click here for the flyer that lists items that will be accepted and the fee schedule. Questions about these collections can be directed to the Pennsylvania Resources Council, Inc. at 412.488.7490 ext. 236.
For those Hard-to-Recycle items like tires, useable building materials, and CFLs, there are several collection events taking place in and around Pittsburgh over the next several months. Click here for the flyer that lists items that will be accepted and the fee schedule. Questions about these collections can be directed to the Pennsylvania Resources Council, Inc. at 412.488.7490 ext. 236.
Alternative Energy Workshop
Philip Long is a solar specialist who is certified by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) and was the first individual to become a certified installer for the rebate program that Pennsylvania is currently offering. Shane McLynden is accredited by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) and as a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) rater. He is certified by the U.S. Green Building council and is also a Green Rater who verifies "LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ) for Homes" in the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas.
Rain Barrel Workshop
Did you know that you could be saving money every time it rains? By creating a rain barrel and strategically placing it to collect rain water, you can provide your garden with clean, fresh water free of charge! Learn how to make your own rain barrel out of inexpensive materials at the Peters Township Public Library on Thursday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. This free program will be presented by Laura Delach, Penn State Master Gardener. You may register online for this program or call 724.941.9430.
Doug Oster, the Organic Gardener, talk and book signing at PT Library
Garden columnist and radio host Doug Oster will visit the Peters Township Public Library on Saturday, March 20 at 10:00 a.m. He will discuss how to get started now to have your best garden ever, provide tips and tricks on getting seeds growing, and talk about his favorite varieties. His new book, Tomatoes Garlic Basil, The Simple Pleasures of Growing and Cooking Your Garden's Most Versatile Veggies was just recently released. It is filled with practical gardening advice along with wonderful stories from Doug's life in the garden. A book signing will follow Oster’s program.
Doug Oster writes a garden column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, a nationally syndicated cooking and gardening column for the LA Times Syndicate, and contributes to national and regional publications. He is co-host and producer of The Organic Gardener's Radio Program, a weekly show on KDKA, and appears weekly on KDKA-TV's Pittsburgh Today Live. He received the 2009 Outstanding Documentary Emmy for Gardens of Pennsylvania, written and produced for WQED. He co-authored two other gardening books, Grow Organic and A Gardener's Journal.
Register for this free program at the library’s circulation desk, call 724.941.9430 or email Carrie Weaver.
Doug Oster writes a garden column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, a nationally syndicated cooking and gardening column for the LA Times Syndicate, and contributes to national and regional publications. He is co-host and producer of The Organic Gardener's Radio Program, a weekly show on KDKA, and appears weekly on KDKA-TV's Pittsburgh Today Live. He received the 2009 Outstanding Documentary Emmy for Gardens of Pennsylvania, written and produced for WQED. He co-authored two other gardening books, Grow Organic and A Gardener's Journal.
Register for this free program at the library’s circulation desk, call 724.941.9430 or email Carrie Weaver.
Post-Gazette article features GO Green Club
A recent article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by Dave Zuchowski gives some background about the club, interviews a few members, and mentions some plans for the future. Click here to read the full article.
Join Us!
Are you interested in learning to live lightly on the planet? If so, please join us for our next GO Green Club meeting on Monday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. Plans are to meet monthly to share information, exchange ideas, welcome speakers, and develop more awareness about green living practices. Please email the library if you plan on attending. If you do not have email, you may register at the library's circulation desk.
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