Photo of the Pollinator Garden

I dashed out in between the rain this afternoon to get a few photos of the pollinator garden, which is looking wonderful with some fresh mulch around the plants! Take a look next time you visit the library - the garden is on your left as you face the library building, along the length of the short wall located there.

The pollinator garden was planted on April 24 by members of the GO Green Club and local Master Gardeners. Plants were selected to attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators, and include Black-Eyed Susan, Borage, Butterfly Bush, Calendula, Calla Lily, Catmint, Cleome, Coneflower, Cotoneaster, Daylily, Globe Thistle, Hyssop, Iris, Lamb’s Ear, Lavender, Lupine, Mountain Bluet, Obedient Plant, Sweet Woodruff, and some other surprises. As long as the wildlife cooperates, we expect quite a show as the garden develops throughout the growing season! All plants were generously donated by local gardeners.

Composting 101 program coming in June!

Ever had questions about composting? What goes in it? Does it have an unpleasant odor? Where should it go? How does it work? What’s the point? The Peters Township Public Library GO Green Club is hosting an educational workshop on composting given by local resident and composter, Angie Phares. The workshop will be held on Saturday, June 12 from 10 to 11:00 a.m. at the library. Register for this free program at the library’s circulation desk, call 724.941.9430 or register online.

Mrs. Phares has lived in the area for 5 years and has recently completed the coursework for the Washington County Master Gardener program. She and her family have been composting for several years and are amazed at how much can go in the compost bin! Register for the program to learn more about this time-honored practice for improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility.

Summer Jobs with Zero Waste Pittsburgh

Zero Waste Pittsburgh is currently recruiting contract employees to work as Environmental Service Assistants (ESA’s) at the Arts Festival from June 4th to June 13th. If you love the outdoors and working with the public and are committed to making a difference in the community – this is your opportunity to help make the 2010 Arts Festival a “Zero Waste” Event.

The ESA’s will be required to help educate the Arts Festival patrons about recycling and composting and assist them in choosing the correct recycling and/or composting receptacle for their materials.

ESA’s will be assigned six hour shifts (rain or shine) and receive $10 per hour. If you would like more information about this great summer job please contact Kyle Winkler at 412-431-4449 ext.243 or

Hard to Recycle Collection this Saturday, May 8

A Hard to Recycle collection will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Steel City Harley Davidson, Route 19 and Racetrack Road. Useable building supplies, compact fluorescent bulbs, alkaline batteries, cell phones and ink/toner cartridges will be taken for free. Televisions, tires and electronic waste (keyboards, laptops, etc.) will be taken for a fee. Details: 412-431-4449, ext. 236, or

What to do with all that stuff!

GO Green Club member Barb has sent me a list of recycling links to help us all learn what to do with those hard to recycle items we all have in our homes!

Battery Recycling and Disposal Guide for Households
Batteries Plus
National Recycling Coalition
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GreenDisk - for all your computer-related waste
CollectiveGood - cell phone recycling
Freecycle - give and get items no longer needed!
Habitat for Humanity Washington County and Construction Junction accept building materials
Global Links accepts crutches/wheelchairs/walkers and medical supplies
Pennsylvania Resources Council
Earth911 helps find recycling centers by zipcode, city or state for hard to recycle items

Let us know if you have a recycling web site to recommend!